Favorite High-Protein Snacks To Go
I’m that mom who regularly packs a lunch box full of snacks when I know I’m going to be away from home for the day. When my kids were little, I hated the idea of feeding them crackers all day long … Children cannot live on fish crackers alone! So for health reasons, and frugal ones (hello, those dollar nuggets add up!), I’d pack fruits and veggies, cheese sticks, and nuts along with their crackers. And while I was at it, I’d throw in a few snacks for myself.
But now with school-aged kids, I can’t shrug and say the insulated tote in my front passenger seat is for the kids. Packing delicious snacks to fuel my body is a way I take care of myself.. It’s like putting the air mask on yourself first when you’re on the airplane.
I love delicious food more than anyone. In fact, it’s one of my top reasons for steering clear of drive-thru situations. I can say with complete honesty that I’m happier eating apple slices and carrots dipped in peanut butter than a greasy cheeseburger. I’d rather save those calories for a delicious dinner and the extra dollars for shoes!
Whether you’re already a part of the lunchbox club or wanting to make a healthy change, I hope these ideas help inspire you.
What’s in my Lunchbox: Favorite Snacks for Moms-on-the-Go
Three slices of natural turkey lunch meat, hummus, plus a cup of veggies. I like to spread my turkey slices with hummus and roll up with a few pieces of red pepper inside.
Hardboiled eggs. To be clear, I really dislike plain hardboiled eggs. But I’ve found that I like them if I fancy them up with Trader Joe’s ‘Everything But the Bagel’ Seasoning and sriracha. Hummus is also good on there!
Apple slices and carrot sticks with a few tablespoons natural peanut butter. You can also make a yummy high-protein ‘dip’ by mixing PB2, Greek yogurt and a little bit of water.
A banana with natural peanut butter
Trail Mix or nuts. This is easy for me to go overboard on and lots of trail mixes aren’t that healthy (I’m talking to you, all the bulk bins at Sprouts that beckon my name with your chocolatey goodness.) Try to find one that isn’t heavy on the goodies and portion it out into a snack-sized baggy or container so half the bag doesn’t disappear all at once!
Beef Jerky. Our whole family loves the Omaha Steaks brand, especially the steak bites, because they’re tender and easy for kids to eat.
Greek yogurt. To control the amount of sugar, buy plain and swirl in a little bit of honey, agave or natural maple syrup. I like Siggi’s because it’s lower in sugar and has no artificial sweeteners. Dannon Triple Zero is also good if you’re okay with imitation sugar.
Protein Bars. Sometimes protein bars taste like candy and their nutritional profile isn’t much better. I look for those with simple, whole ingredients. My standbys are Perfect Bars and GoMacro Bars but I’m always looking for new ones to try!
Protein Powder. Measure a serving of your favorite protein powder in a shaker cup. Drive through and get yourself an iced coffee. Shake and enjoy some powerful coffee!
Balance Superfood Shots include 1/2 your daily serving of organic fruits and veggies in a shelf-stable, nutrient-dense shot. (They’re also made right here in the KC area!)
What are your favorite snacks to-go?!
Smoothies are a staple in our household. LEGOS during breakfast are optional.